Nine Requirements for Heating Furnace Layout

Release Date:2023.05.24
Information Summary:
Nine Requirements for Heating Furnace Layout

Generally speaking, what are the specific requirements for the layout of a heating furnace? Below, we will explain several points in detail.

1. Open flame heating furnaces should be centrally arranged in the edge wells near the fire exits, and should be located on the downwind side of combustible gases, liquefied hydrocarbons, and Class A and B liquid equipment with lower frequency wind direction throughout the year;

2. Heating furnaces and other open flame equipment should be arranged together;

3. Several tube heating furnaces can be arranged in rows according to the centerline of the furnace. The net distance between two heating furnaces should not be less than 3 meters;

When using mobile maintenance tools to lift heating furnace tubes, there should be channels and maintenance sites for mobile maintenance tools. For a horizontal furnace tube heating furnace, the length of the maintenance site should not be less than the length of the furnace tube plus 2 meters on the outlet side of the furnace tube;

5. The distance between the outer wall of the heating furnace and the edge of the maintenance road should not be less than 3 meters;

For heating furnaces equipped with steam generators, the steam drum should be located on the top or adjacent frame of the heating furnace;

7. The distance between the heating furnace and its associated fuel gas separation tank and the fuel gas heater should not be less than 6m;

When the heating furnace has auxiliary equipment such as air preheater, blower, induced draft fan, etc. The arrangement of auxiliary equipment shall not hinder the maintenance of itself and the heating furnace;

9. The fire prevention distance between the heating furnace and the liquefied hydrocarbon equipment arranged outdoors should not be less than 22.5 meters. When solid walls made of non combustible materials are installed between the equipment, this distance can be reduced, but should not be less than 15 meters. The height of the solid wall should not be less than 3 meters, and the distance from the heating furnace should not exceed 5 meters, and it should be able to prevent combustible gases from escaping into the furnace; When the side of the liquefied hydrocarbon equipment workshop or Class A gas compressor room facing the heating furnace is a closed wall, the distance between the tubular heating furnace and the workshop can be appropriately reduced, but should not be less than 15m.

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Nine Requirements for Heating Furnace Layout

Nine Requirements for Heating Furnace Layout

Nine Requirements for Heating Furnace Layout

Nine Requirements for Heating Furnace Layout

Nine Requirements for Heating Furnace Layout

Nine Requirements for Heating Furnace Layout


  • Business Consulting:0523-89109188
  • address:888 Jiangba Road, Jishi Town, Jingjiang City